Monday, October 10, 2011

Don't just stand there...DANCE

Let's talk about this writing thing, shall we.  I usually don't post more than once a week, but this couldn't wait until next Monday.

In May, I joined the IBC, also known as the Indie Book Collective.  I joined because I thought if I had something like that behind my name, I'd be more credible as an Indie Author PLUS they are F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!  If you're following our Twitter and Facebook, you know what I'm talking about.

I've taken every webinar that they offer.  Social Media (I've done it three times) Amazon Optimization (2x) and the Facebook/Goodreads/Blog webinar when they had it.

I've learned so much.  Before I joined, I had 3 finished books sitting on my hard drive and no idea what to do with them.  I knew I wanted to self publish but I had no idea (and I mean NO IDEA) what the hell I was doing.  I kind of felt like I was standing against the wall at a party, just watching everyone else succeed and have fun being Indie.

I feel like the IBC grabbed my hand and pushed me into the middle of the party.  I was the Facebook Coordinator for awhile and now I'm the Blog Tour de Force Coordinator.  Untitled is a bestseller! And I've found a group of writers that I never want to live without.

Now I'm dancing!

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